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Path Recovery Command Line

For applications where the GUI is not wanted or needed, the path recovery function can be run using a command line. Note that this only works with GDSII files generated by SFGEN with an ODB++ input and cannot be run on any arbitrary GDSII file.

path_recovery64 input_GDSII aux_file output_file input_layer_set [options]


  input_GDSII is an output GDSII file produced by SFGEN
  aux_file is an the auxiliary that corresponds to input_file
  input_layer_set can be '=' or a list of layer numbers

The top level structure of both input_GDSII and aux_file are assumed to be 'TOP'

Additional Options

  -layer:B[,P[,p]]       where B, P and p are output layer designators (either layer or
                         layer:datatype) for BOUNDARY, PATH and PAD data respectively - (default 0:0)

  -pads                  recover and output pad data (default: no)
  -participating         output only "participating" pad data (default: false)

  -percent_area:A        where A is a number in percent (e.g. 25) used to not output
                         candidate PATH data whose percent area relative to its
                         extent box is greater than this value as PATH data (default is 25)
  -aspect_ratio:R        where candidate PATH data whose length to width ratio is less
                         than this value will be not be output as PATH data (default is 5)
  -singlets              indicates that candidate PATH data having only two vertices not
                         to be excluded from consideration to be output as PATH data
                         (default is to not consider "singlets")
  -arcres:R              where R is the arc resolution to be used when converting candidate
                         PATH data to polygon data for analysis (default 45 degrees)
  -chord_error_um:E      where E is the chord error in microns to be used when converting
                         candidate PATH data to polygon data for analysis (default 0.1um)
  -sliver:S              where S is the sliver value associated with boolean operations
                         (default: 10 times chord error)
  -min_line_width_um:W   ignore candidate PATH data with path width less than W (default 0)
  -max_line_width_um:W   ignore candidate PATH data with path width greater than W
                         (default - no restriction on maximum path width)
  -nom_line_width_um:W   use PATH width W for automatic selection of conversion parameters
  -termination_rule:N    make candidate PATH selection based on N (0, 1, or 2)
                         0 implies no discrimation (default)
                         1 implies PATHs (of constant width) terminate on at least 1 pad
                         2 implies PATHs must terminate on at least 2 pads
  -source_path_data:L    include source PATHs in output on layer L (layer or layer:datatype)
   -keep                  debris data are not removed (default is to remove debris files)
  -retain_ref_file       retain reference (input) file which is deleted by default
                         the reference file will derive its name from and appear alongside the
                         output file with the trailing tag '_ref.gds'
  -tolerance:T           where T in microns is the precision associated with general computations,
                         vertex matching (default: 1um)